Hi classmates
All of my birth days are kind of the same a close family meeting the same day and some day after or when it appears the time a celebration with friends, when i was little usually we go to the park to play football or something and now we usually go out to eat or dance.
But the last year i was very complicated because my birthday was the close after of a project delivery. I didn't want to do nothing because i was worried about the time that i needed to finish my part of the project but my mother insisted. 
She arranged  to have dinner with my in a thai food loca called Thai Express, close to the university (in Merced 483).It was during a window in my schedule, my group understood that i needed that moment so it wasn't a big problem. 
The only thing left that it bothers my was stress of not being working when you don’t have enough time was very real on my way to the local but when i arrive to the food store it was all my family , my sister, uncle and grand mather, it was nice to realize that all of they arrange a time in his schedule to be there, so there wit my family i just forget about the work. 
I really like the good food in general  i mean not packed food, with fresh ingredients and  just prepared, an especially food with exotic taste, i like to try always new food, so the thai election was perfect.
The same weekend i had the opportunity spend time with my friends so all was perfect.

At the end even when i gave it for a lose the people that i care about made a good birthday hapend for my.

Fotto: Un plato Thai


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