Hi class mates, idon't remember why, but the first meal i think is one that i have with my family in the countryside. 
I think it was like eight years ago in a country closer to la estrella in O’higgins state.My grandmother of my maternal side and all his 11 Sisters and Brothers born in that countryside. So, she doesn't live there at that time but old family friend they do. 
One day they invite us to pas the weekend, my grandmother, mather, uncle, sister and i arrive there at mid day i tink. Just for lunch time so they receive us in a long rustic table with roast lamb and a lot of different and colorful salads, the food was delicious, at that time i didn’t know any face on that table except for may famil's. 
The interesting of this meal was that as we were eating and drinking, slowly old stories that explains the relations between my grandmother and that people were appearing. So after a lot of anecdotic stories of  countryside characters that i didn't know, stories to long to tell here, i was revel that they were related to us by the father of my grandmother, and they were at majority middle sisters and brothers of my grandmother and childrens of them, cosinds of my mother and uncle.

So , beautiful place, Delicious food, and at the end  far familiar company. My family is bigger than i used to think.


  1. You describe the place with so much love and cuteness. I bet you really liked there. Nice story!


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