Hi classmates, it is hard to pick a movie, especially when i want to talk about a villain,
because when they have a defined villain or hero they tend to be predictable.
Maybe it is just my taste of movies.

So, any way, i choose to talk about the Narrator, the villain  of The Fight Club. Is not my favorite movie, even though is a very good one, it is just the last movie that i saw. I never have seen it before that time, but i know  it, by the title, because is considered a cult movie.
Spoiler Alert!
About the movie is necessary to tell that it haves a very special perspective , is triki
to tell from what define point of view is told, and even if there is an active narrator
in the story. Spoiler!, there is, the narrator is the antagonist and there is not a literal
connection between the narration and the him. The key is in the motivations of the
antagonists and his not clear relation with the protagonist. 

Neither of both is introduced with a name, so because they are the same person the character is cold the Narrator. ¿And why is hard to tel, that the Narrator is a Villain? Because the antagonist acts  apparently with no motive perjudicial to any one and the narrator told the story showing how the antagonist impacts negativ in the main narrative, but, because it is diffuse the connection between both is hard to identify the antagonist as the villain.

In simple words, the  narrator is conscious and  tells the negative influence of the antagonist, and the antagonist is just a character with no directed intencion perjudicial towards the protagonist, but since the antagonist and the narrator are the same person the antagonist is conscient of his bad influence in the story, so his intención is cleared up  and is revealed that he is the villain.

i am not sure if it is understandable at this point, bat that's the brilliant of the movie, it wanders you.


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