Hi classmates. today we will talk about the future´

It happens to be hard to think what i will be doing , even a few years before now, but i have a few guesses.
Since i am studying design i probably will finish it, after that i shorley will want to forget about it (the university and the lack of motivation that can generate) for a time so it would be nice to travel to another place, i was thinking Australia, new zealand or some part of indonesia for like 1 (or maybe 2 years) from that point is hard to know, maybe i’ll stay out of my country for a long time and surely move around till i find some place to stay or coming back and starta life here, in any of both cases i still be a designer maybe no a traditional one, but i will be always making thing or learning something new.

Te another opposite probability is that i keep studying, first a post gade and later a doctorate and hopefully make classes in this university. Since little being and relating with people have been important for me, i join to the scouts of my school in 7th grade and the last 4 years i have been part of the staff of the group, working and teaching is to other people is one of the most valuable and rewarding activities that i have done.

Apart of those gesses i don’t have much idea , it could happen almost anything.
